Sahassamapi ce vācā,
Ekaṃ atthapadaṃ seyyo,
yaṃ sutvā upasammati.
Ekaṃ atthapadaṃ seyyo,
yaṃ sutvā upasammati.
100. Better than a thousand unbeneficial words is one beneficial word which, having been heard, brings peace.
Sahassamapi ce vācā,
Ekaṃ atthapadaṃ seyyo,
yaṃ sutvā upasammati.
Ekaṃ atthapadaṃ seyyo,
yaṃ sutvā upasammati.
101. Better than a thousand unbeneficial verses is one beneficial line of verse which, having been heard, brings peace.
Yo ca gāthā sataṃ bhāse,
Ekaṃ dhammapadaṃ seyyo,
yaṃ sutvā upasammati.
Ekaṃ dhammapadaṃ seyyo,
yaṃ sutvā upasammati.
102. Better than reciting a hundred unbeneficial verses is one line of Dhamma which, having been heard, brings peace.
Yo sahassaṃ sahassena,
saṅgāme mānuse jine;
Ekañca jeyyamattānaṃ,
sa ve saṅgāmajuttamo.
saṅgāme mānuse jine;
Ekañca jeyyamattānaṃ,
sa ve saṅgāmajuttamo.
103. Greater than a person who conquers a thousand people in battle a thousand times is the person who conquers himself in the battle of defilements.
Attā have jitaṃ seyyo,
yā cāyaṃ itarā pajā;
Attadantassa posassa,
niccaṃ saññatacārino.
yā cāyaṃ itarā pajā;
Attadantassa posassa,
niccaṃ saññatacārino.
104. Certainly it is better to conquer oneself than others. The person who tames himself and always restrains sense faculties wins the battle.
Neva devo na gandhabbo,
na māro saha brahmunā;
Jitaṃ apajitaṃ kayirā,
tathārūpassa jantuno.
na māro saha brahmunā;
Jitaṃ apajitaṃ kayirā,
tathārūpassa jantuno.
105. Neither a god, nor a divine musician, nor Māra, nor brahma, can turn into defeat the victory of a person who has conquered himself.
Māse māse sahassena,
yo yajetha sataṃ samaṃ;
Ekañca bhāvitattānaṃ,
muhuttamapi pūjaye;
Sāyeva pūjanā seyyo,
yañce vassasataṃ hutaṃ.
yo yajetha sataṃ samaṃ;
Ekañca bhāvitattānaṃ,
muhuttamapi pūjaye;
Sāyeva pūjanā seyyo,
yañce vassasataṃ hutaṃ.
106. Better than a thousand ritual sacrifices offered every month for a hundred years is one moment’s gift offered to a liberated one who has fully developed his mind.
Yo ca vassasataṃ jantu,
aggiṃ paricare vane;
Ekañca bhāvitattānaṃ,
muhuttamapi pūjaye;
Sāyeva pūjanā seyyo,
yañce vassasataṃ hutaṃ.
aggiṃ paricare vane;
Ekañca bhāvitattānaṃ,
muhuttamapi pūjaye;
Sāyeva pūjanā seyyo,
yañce vassasataṃ hutaṃ.
107. Better than a hundred years in the forest tending a ritual fire is one moment’s gift offered to a liberated one who has fully developed his mind.
Yaṃ kiñci yiṭṭhaṃ va hutaṃ va loke,
Saṃvaccharaṃ yajetha puññapekkho;
Sabbampi taṃ na catubhāgameti,
Abhivādanā ujjugatesu seyyo.
Saṃvaccharaṃ yajetha puññapekkho;
Sabbampi taṃ na catubhāgameti,
Abhivādanā ujjugatesu seyyo.
108. Whatever gift or offering a merit-seeker might perform in an entire year is not worth one-fourth as much as worshipping the liberated ones.
niccaṃ vuḍḍhāpacāyino;
Cattāro dhammā vaḍḍhanti,
āyu vaṇṇo sukhaṃ balaṃ.
niccaṃ vuḍḍhāpacāyino;
Cattāro dhammā vaḍḍhanti,
āyu vaṇṇo sukhaṃ balaṃ.
109. For the person who worships virtuous people and always reveres and serves the elders, four things increase: long life, beauty, happiness, and power.
Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve,
dussīlo asamāhito;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
sīlavantassa jhāyino.
dussīlo asamāhito;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
sīlavantassa jhāyino.
110. Better it is to live one day virtuous and meditative than to live a hundred years devoid of virtue and stillness of mind.
Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve,
duppañño asamāhito;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
paññavantassa jhāyino.
duppañño asamāhito;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
paññavantassa jhāyino.
111. Better it is to live one day wise and meditative than to live a hundred years devoid of wisdom and stillness of mind.
Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve,
kusīto hīnavīriyo;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
vīriyamārabhato daḷhaṃ.
kusīto hīnavīriyo;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
vīriyamārabhato daḷhaṃ.
112. Better it is to live one day energetic and resolute than to live a hundred years lazy and sluggish.
Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve,
apassaṃ udayabbayaṃ;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
passato udayabbayaṃ.
apassaṃ udayabbayaṃ;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
passato udayabbayaṃ.
113. Better it is to live one day seeing the arising and passing of five groups of clinging than to live a hundred years without ever seeing their arising and passing.
Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve,
apassaṃ amataṃ padaṃ;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
passato amataṃ padaṃ.
apassaṃ amataṃ padaṃ;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
passato amataṃ padaṃ.
114. Better it is to live one day experiencing Nibbāna than to live a hundred years without ever experiencing Nibbāna.
Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve,
apassaṃ dhammamuttamaṃ;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
passato dhammamuttamaṃ.
apassaṃ dhammamuttamaṃ;
Ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo,
passato dhammamuttamaṃ.
115. Better it is to live one day realizing the Supreme Dhamma than to live a hundred years without ever realizing the Supreme Dhamma.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
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