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DHAMMAPADA - Yamaka Waggaya (English)

Manopubbaṅgamā dhammā,
manoseṭṭhā manomayā;
Manasā ce paduṭṭhena,
bhāsati vā karoti vā;
Tato naṃ dukkhamanveti,
cakkaṃva vahato padaṃ.
1. All actions in this life are preceded by mind. Mind is their chief. They are made by mind. If one speaks or acts with an impure mind, suffering follows one like the wagon wheel that follows the foot of the ox.
Manopubbaṅgamā dhammā,
manoseṭṭhā manomayā;
Manasā ce pasannena,
bhāsati vā karoti vā;
Tato naṃ sukhamanveti,
chāyāva anapāyinī.
2. All actions in this life are preceded by mind. Mind is their chief. They are made by mind. If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness follows one like one’s never-departing shadow.
Akkocchi maṃ avadhi maṃ,
ajini maṃ ahāsi me;
Ye ca taṃ upanayhanti,
veraṃ tesaṃ na sammati.
3. “He abused me, he attacked me, he defeated me, and he robbed me.” Those who harbour such thoughts will never end their hatred.
Akkocchi maṃ avadhi maṃ,
ajini maṃ ahāsi me;
Ye ca taṃ nupanayhanti,
veraṃ tesūpasammati.
4. “He abused me, he attacked me, he defeated me, and he robbed me.” Those who do not harbour such thoughts will end their hatred.
Na hi verena verāni,
sammantīdha kudācanaṃ;
Averena ca sammanti,
esa dhammo sanantano.
5. Hatred never ends through hatred; by non-hatred alone does it end. This is an eternal law in this world.
Pare ca na vijānanti,
mayamettha yamāmase;
Ye ca tattha vijānanti,
tato sammanti medhagā.
6. The people who quarrel do not realize that one day through these quarrels they will die, but those who do realize this fact settle their quarrels.
Subhānupassiṃ viharantaṃ,
indriyesu asaṃvutaṃ;
Bhojanamhi cāmattaññuṃ,
kusītaṃ hīnavīriyaṃ;
Taṃ ve pasahati māro,
vāto rukkhaṃva dubbalaṃ.
7. Whoever lives focused on pleasant things, with their sense faculties unguarded, immoderate in eating, lazy and sluggish, will be overpowered by Māra, just as a storm throws down a weak tree.
Asubhānupassiṃ viharantaṃ,
Indriyesu susaṃvutaṃ;
Bhojanamhi ca mattaññuṃ,
Saddhaṃ āraddhavīriyaṃ;
Taṃ ve nappasahati māro,
Vāto selaṃva pabbataṃ.
8. Whoever lives focused on the unpleasant nature of things, with their sense faculties guarded, moderate in eating, faithful and diligent, will not be overpowered by Māra, just as a storm cannot shake a rocky mountain.
Anikkasāvo kāsāvaṃ,
yo vatthaṃ paridahissati;
Apeto damasaccena,
na so kāsāvamarahati.
9. Whoever is defiled, devoid of self-control and truthfulness and yet wears the monk’s robe is surely not worthy of the robe.
Yo ca vantakasāvassa,
sīlesu susamāhito;
Upeto damasaccena,
sa ve kāsāvamarahati.
10. Whoever has removed defilements, is well established in virtue, and is filled with self-control and truthfulness is indeed worthy of the robe.
Asāre sāramatino,
sāre cāsāradassino;
Te sāraṃ nādhigacchanti,
11. In this world, there are unbeneficial things. Some people mistake these unbeneficial things to be beneficial. They also mistake the beneficial things, such as developing virtue, concentration, and wisdom, to be unbeneficial. They are enveloped in wrong thoughts. They never reach what is beneficial.
Sārañca sārato ñatvā,
asārañca asārato;
Te sāraṃ adhigacchanti,
12. Based on right view, some people always think right thoughts. These wise people know the beneficial things, such as developing virtue, concentration, and wisdom, to be beneficial. They also know the unbeneficial things to be unbeneficial. That is why they reach the most beneficial, Nibbāna.
Yathā agāraṃ ducchannaṃ,
vuṭṭhī samativijjhati;
Evaṃ abhāvitaṃ cittaṃ,
rāgo samativijjhati.
13. Just as rain breaks through a poorly roofed house, lust penetrates the mind that has not been developed by calming and insight meditations.
Yathā agāraṃ suchannaṃ,
vuṭṭhī na samativijjhati;
Evaṃ subhāvitaṃ cittaṃ,
rāgo na samativijjhati.
14. Just as rain does not break through a well roofed house, lust never penetrates the mind that has been well developed by calming and insight meditations.
Idha socati pecca socati,
Pāpakārī ubhayattha socati;
So socati so vihaññati,
Disvā kamma­kiliṭ­ṭha­mattano.
15. The evil-doer grieves in this life and in the next. He grieves in both worlds. He laments and is afflicted, seeing his own defiled actions.
Idha modati pecca modati,
Katapuñño ubhayattha modati;
So modati so pamodati,
Disvā kamma­vi­sud­dhi­mattano.
16. The maker of merit rejoices in this life and in the next. He rejoices in both worlds. He rejoices and is delighted, seeing his own pure actions.
Idha tappati pecca tappati,
Pāpakārī ubhayattha tappati;
“ Pāpaṃ me katan”ti tappati,
Bhiyyo tappati duggatiṃ gato.
17. The evil-doer feels regret in this life and in the next. He feels regret in both worlds. He is regretful knowing, “I have done evil.” He is more regretful once he is reborn in the plane of misery.
Idha nandati pecca nandati,
Katapuñño ubhayattha nandati;
“ Puññaṃ me katan”ti nandati,
Bhiyyo nandati suggatiṃ gato.
18. The maker of merits is delighted in this life and in the next. He is delighted in both worlds. He is delighted in knowing, “I have made merit.” He is delighted even more once he is reborn in heaven.
Bahumpi ce saṃhita bhāsamāno,
Na takkaro hoti naro pamatto;
Gopova gāvo gaṇayaṃ paresaṃ,
Na bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti.
19. Even though the negligent person preaches much Dhamma to others, he does not practice accordingly. He is like a cowherd who only counts the cows of others. He does not attain the stages of enlightenment as a monk.
Appampi ce saṃhita bhāsamāno,
Dhammassa hoti anudhammacārī;
Rāgañca dosañca pahāya mohaṃ,
Sammappajāno suvimuttacitto;
Anupādiyāno idha vā huraṃ vā,
Sa bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti.
20. Even if the person practicing Dhamma preaches little to others, he lives according to the Dhamma. With developed knowledge and a well-freed mind, he abandons passion, hatred, and delusion. Not clinging to anything in this world or the next, he attains the stages of enlightenment as a monk.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!


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