Appamādo amatapadaṃ,
pamādo maccuno padaṃ;
Appamattā na mīyanti,
ye pamattā yathā matā.
pamādo maccuno padaṃ;
Appamattā na mīyanti,
ye pamattā yathā matā.
21. The one who develops virtue, concentration, and wisdom diligently reaches the deathless, Nibbāna. The negligent, one who is intoxicated by sense pleasures, repeatedly dies. The diligent Dhamma practitioner goes beyond death. The negligent are as if already dead.
Evaṃ visesato ñatvā,
appamādamhi paṇḍitā;
Appamāde pamodanti,
ariyānaṃ gocare ratā.
appamādamhi paṇḍitā;
Appamāde pamodanti,
ariyānaṃ gocare ratā.
22. The diligent, wise Dhamma practitioner clearly understands the difference between diligence and negligence. Delighting in the dwelling of the
noble ones which is the thirty-seven aids to enlightenment, they rejoice in diligence.
noble ones which is the thirty-seven aids to enlightenment, they rejoice in diligence.
Te jhāyino sātatikā,
niccaṃ daḷhaparakkamā;
Phusanti dhīrā nibbānaṃ,
yogakkhemaṃ anuttaraṃ.
niccaṃ daḷhaparakkamā;
Phusanti dhīrā nibbānaṃ,
yogakkhemaṃ anuttaraṃ.
23. Wise, energetic disciples of the Buddha meditate frequently. Working hard, they practice the Dhamma, giving it top priority. They experience the incomparable freedom from bondage, Nibbāna.
Uṭṭhānavato satīmato,
Sucikammassa nisammakārino;
Saññatassa dhammajīvino,
Appamattassa yasobhivaḍḍhati.
Sucikammassa nisammakārino;
Saññatassa dhammajīvino,
Appamattassa yasobhivaḍḍhati.
24. The wise person is energetic, mindful, pure in conduct, considerate in action, self-restrained, and righteous. That diligent person’s glory grows day by day.
saṃyamena damena ca;
Dīpaṃ kayirātha medhāvī,
yaṃ ogho nābhikīrati.
saṃyamena damena ca;
Dīpaṃ kayirātha medhāvī,
yaṃ ogho nābhikīrati.
25. The wise disciple of the Buddha practices the Dhamma energetically, diligently, with self-restraint, and with self-control. He makes for himself the island called Nibbāna, which no flood can overwhelm.
bālā dummedhino janā;
Appamādañca medhāvī,
dhanaṃ seṭṭhaṃva rakkhati.
bālā dummedhino janā;
Appamādañca medhāvī,
dhanaṃ seṭṭhaṃva rakkhati.
26. Unwise, foolish people indulge in sense pleasures. They are caught up in negligence. But the wise protect diligence as their best treasure.
Mā pamādamanuyuñjetha,
mā kāmaratisanthavaṃ;
Appamatto hi jhāyanto,
pappoti vipulaṃ sukhaṃ.
mā kāmaratisanthavaṃ;
Appamatto hi jhāyanto,
pappoti vipulaṃ sukhaṃ.
27. Unwise, foolish people waste their life celebrating auspicious times.] Do not give yourself to negligence; do not become intoxicated with sense pleasures. Do not indulge in sense pleasures. If you meditate diligently you can attain great happiness.
Pamādaṃ appamādena,
yadā nudati paṇḍito;
asoko sokiniṃ pajaṃ;
Pabbataṭṭhova bhūmaṭṭhe,
dhīro bāle avekkhati.
yadā nudati paṇḍito;
asoko sokiniṃ pajaṃ;
Pabbataṭṭhova bhūmaṭṭhe,
dhīro bāle avekkhati.
28. The wise disciple of the Buddha drives away negligence with diligence. Ascending from the palace of wisdom, freed from sorrow, this sage looks at sorrowing people. It is like someone standing on a mountain observing those on the ground below.
Appamatto pamattesu,
suttesu bahujāgaro;
Abalassaṃva sīghasso,
hitvā yāti sumedhaso.
suttesu bahujāgaro;
Abalassaṃva sīghasso,
hitvā yāti sumedhaso.
29. The wise sage is diligent among the negligent. He is awake and meditates when others sleep. He advances like a swift horse leaving the weak one behind.
Appamādena maghavā,
devānaṃ seṭṭhataṃ gato;
Appamādaṃ pasaṃsanti,
pamādo garahito sadā.
devānaṃ seṭṭhataṃ gato;
Appamādaṃ pasaṃsanti,
pamādo garahito sadā.
30. Sakka, the leader of gods, collected lots of merit diligently when he was in the human world as the youth Magha. That is how he became the greatest of the gods. Diligence is always praised by Buddhas, and negligence is always despised.
Appamādarato bhikkhu,
pamāde bhayadassi vā;
Saṃyojanaṃ aṇuṃ thūlaṃ,
ḍahaṃ aggīva gacchati.
pamāde bhayadassi vā;
Saṃyojanaṃ aṇuṃ thūlaṃ,
ḍahaṃ aggīva gacchati.
31. The monk who delights in diligence and fears negligence reaches Nibbāna, destroying all bonds, large and small, like a fire burning everything
in its path.
in its path.
Appamādarato bhikkhu,
pamāde bhayadassi vā;
Abhabbo parihānāya,
nibbānasseva santike.
pamāde bhayadassi vā;
Abhabbo parihānāya,
nibbānasseva santike.
32. The monk who delights in diligence and fears negligence is incapable of losing wholesome qualities. He is close to Nibbāna.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
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